Zoning Administrator
Rob Jones
Interactive Zoning Map
Click the link below to access the interactive Town of Troy Zoning Map.
GIS MAP Town of Troy - Some links are temporarily not working due to St. Croix County map updates to their site.
This Geographic Information System (GIS) Map will quickly allow you to determine the zoning district of your property and properties throughout the Town. Your zoning district defines the allowable uses of your property.
This new information portal currently combines typical zoom, pan, and address search tools with the mapping layers of Town zoning districts and aerial photo basemaps. In addition, this map allows a quick link to Saint Croix County records related to property ownership, taxes, and assessments.
The Town plans to continue to add features to this system allowing easy access to various public information.
Once you've verified how your property is zoned you should refer to the Zoning Ordinance to determine if what you want to do is a permitted use. If it is, you don't need to go any further.
Each of the surrounding landowners (all sides, including across the street) are notified of your request. Along with your application you must provide the town with addressed, stamped, unsealed envelopes for each of the adjacent landowners. Use the form letter below for this notification. The date your application is received determines the meeting dates you will be heard at.
The following forms may be used to make application to the Town. Instructions for filling the forms out are included in each packet. Please refer to the fee schedule to determine what the applicable application fees are. If you have any questions please call the Town Hall.
Planned Unit Development Application
If you plan on applying for a change in setbacks on a lot in a platted subdivision, or a variance from the driveway ordinance, please look for the appropriate form in the link below.
Individuals who feel that a violation of the Zoning Ordinance exists, may file a complaint. Submit as much supporting evidence (i.e. photos, documents, etc.) as possible in support of the complaint.