In accordance with the provisions of Section 19.84, Wisconsin Statutes, public notice is hereby given to all residents in the Town of Troy that the Town of Troy Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on September 26, 2024, at 7:00pm at the Town Hall, located at 654 Glover Road, Hudson, WI to consider a request for an Area Variance.
THE APPLICANT, Sarah Hartung, has made a request to reduce the side yard setback at 533 Trillium Lane, Hudson, WI 54016 from 50-feet to 24-feet. Thereby allowing the applicant to place a 30-foot by 30-foot addition to a garage on the 5.98-acre parcel of land. The parcel is described as SEC 3 T28N R19W PT SE SE LOT 14 COUNTRY WOOD, Parcel Identification Number 040-1232-40-000 in the Town of Troy, St. Croix County, Wisconsin.
Persons wishing to appear at the hearing may do so in person. Written statements may be filed with the Town of Troy, 654 Glover Road, Hudson, WI 54016 prior to the public hearing. Anonymous correspondence will not be accepted.
All application materials may be viewed at the Town of Troy Town Hall, 654 Glover Road, Hudson, WI 54016 during normal business hours, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Monday-Thursday.
Doug Rowen, Chairperson
Town of Troy Board of Appeals
Ben Jansen, Town Administrator
Publication Dates: September 12, 2024, and September 19, 2024.